Wednesday, February 20, 2013

February is always such a fast month with conferences, 1st grade program, President's Day and now all our snow days! It is flying and 1st and 2nd graders are already getting ready for their next performance opportunity at the Music Booster Potato Feed! This year's fundraiser will be on Sunday, March 3rd at the Senior High Gymnasium and I am looking for as many 1st and 2nd graders as possible to sing with us. If you are able to attend please fill out the bottom portion of the letter that will soon come home with your child and send it back ASAP. You will then receive a reminder note about specific times for performance (around lunch time) and concert attire (EGF colors and jeans). Check out the links on the right side of the blog for more information about the Music Booster Potato Feed!

What a great job the 1st grade did with their show, it really was a whirlwind but they rose to the occasion. We had a wonderful audience as always and packed our cafeteria for both shows that evening. I always love seeing how many supportive, loving families we have in East Grand Forks. The Kindergarten takes stage next with a show in May. They will soon begin work on their masterpiece and if you have any question please feel free to email or call.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Another snow day down and here we go with the show! Thank you so much to teachers who moved around their schedules this morning to help me get in another rehearsal with the first graders, what a great staff we have here at New Heights! Our afternoon show went very well, great singing, lots of movment, can't wait to see everyone tonight.